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Relax Select – Merelbeke (Munte)
Luxury guestrooms with breakfast
Heated outdoor pool & jacuzzi
Biological facials & Massage
Dr Hauschka cosmetics & Make-up
Well situated for bicycle tourism, bicycles for rent
Workshops stressmanagement
Further information
- Rooms
Guestroom 2 persons (+possibility for baby bed) with bathroom & toilet
On demand an adjacent room can be used for extra beds for children
Guesthouse 4-6 persons (+ possibility for 2 extra baby beds)
bedroom downstairs 2 persons with seperate bathroom with shower
bedroom upstairs 2 persons with bath
mezzanine room (2 persons)
living room & kitchen with dining area
- Rates*
- Guestroomper night 2 persons 110 euro
- Guestroom per night 1 person 105 euro
- Breakfast 15 euro pp
- Second night 20 euro reduction
- Guesthouseweekend okt-march 450 euro
- Guesthouse april-sept 550 euro
- Guesthouse other periods please contact us
- Breakfast 15 euro pp
- For long term or short term business stay please contact us for prices
- Breakfast
Continental beakfast buffet
- Car park
Private, secured
- Bicycles
For rent 10 euro/day
- Pets
Not allowed
- Smoking
Outdoor area
- Internet / wireless access
*: Prices are estimates and are subject to change. For the most recent prices, please check the website of this accommodation.
Are you the owner of this accommodation? Manage your pages here.
Asselkouter 12
9820 Merelbeke (Munte)
Mobile: +32 (0)497 623 088
Website: www.relaxselect.be
Contact owner (free of engagement)
Other bed & breakfasts in Merelbeke (Munte) and its environs
- De Vlaamse Poort – Scheldewindeke (2 km)
- B&B La clé du Sud – Merelbeke-Bottelare (2 km)
- Betsberg – Oosterzele (Moortsele) (3 km)
- Het Tweede Leven – Vurste (6 km)
- Cimbarsaca Bed & Breakfast 8.8 – Semmerzake (6 km)
- B&B Latemberg 7.4 – Sint-Maria-Latem (7 km)
- B&B De Notelaar 9.4 – Nederzwalm (8 km)
- Willow Lodge – De Pinte (9 km)
- B&B Dadivaro 7.0 – Gavere-Asper (9 km)
- Aquarius wellness guesthouse – Ghent (10 km)
- Huisje Kakelbont – Gentbrugge (10 km)
- B&B Lieven Bauwens – Ghent (10 km)
Experiences from previous visitors
Stay: May 2013
Written on 18 June 2013 by Eline (Friends, age 26-34)
- General:
- 9/10
- Room:
- 10/10
- Service:
- 10/10
- Charm:
- 10/10
- Price/quality:
- 10/10
- Total:
Schitterend verblijf, net nieuw en erg comfortabel. Stijlvol ingericht. Luxe bedden en douche. Zeer vriendelijke gastvrouw. We mochten onbeperkt gebruik maken van zwembad en bubbelbad. De barbecue werd voor ons aangemaakt. Bij aankomst stond het bier koud. Privacy is gewaarborgd ondanks dat de gastheer en -mevrouw op hetzelfde erf verblijven. Kortom niet dan lof!
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Required fields are marked with a *