Holiday homes, holiday apartments and self-catering flats in Vex

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Holiday homes less than 100 km from Vex


Chalet Pomet

max. 14 people

Holiday homes less than 200 km from Vex

Spigno Monferrato

Agriturismo Crose in Piemonte, N-Italy 10.0

€ 500 - € 950 per week
max. 5 people

Montecalvo Versiggia

Casa Fernanda

max. 6 people

Caprino Bergamasco

La Pradasella

€ 490 - € 1180 per week
max. 14 people


Cascina Rosso Bed, Breakfast and Organic Farm

€ 455 - € 490 per week
max. 8 people

Acqui terme/Grognardo

Casa Ciosse 9.6


B van Gink

€ 385 - € 450 per week
max. 2 people

Spigno Monferrato



Casa Vecchia 9.5


chez Francoise et Vincent

€ 330 - € 480 per week
max. 5 people

Monastero Bormida

Casa Domenica